Vitali Lutz
408 Words
2:10 Minutes

Email marketing is now part of every company's strategy. In fact, email is currently the most important channel through which customers communicate with businesses. You need to optimize your email marketing if you want to stand out.

Email marketing is a great way to connect with customers, increase brand awareness, and drive sales. Unfortunately, only 20% of emails are opened by recipients. This means that 80% of emails are either deleted unread or remain unread.

You can increase the deliverability of your emails in several ways:

  • Use a reputable email service provider (ESP)
    Companies called email service providers (ESPs) offer email servers and accounts to businesses and consumers. There are several types of ESPs, including Gmail, Yahoo!, Outlook, AOL, and others. You should choose an ESP that offers reliable service and has features that are right for your business.
  • Configure your email account properly
    Make sure your email account is configured properly before you send your emails. Ask someone who knows if you're not sure how to proceed. Make sure that your email settings include your domain name and that your email address is entered correctly. Also, make sure that the spam filter is enabled.
  • Choose an effective subject line
    The subject line of the email is at the top of the message. When someone opens your email, they see it immediately. Someone is more likely to read your email if the subject line is compelling.
  • State the call to action clearly and concisely
    A crystal-clear call to action makes it clear to recipients what they should do after reading your email. For example, use the phrase "Click here" in the subject line if you want them to click on a link.
  • Keep your messages short and sweet
    If you send a lot of emails, keep them short and to the point. Long emails are often skimmed by recipients, especially if they receive hundreds of emails a day.
  • Send emails at the right time
    Avoid sending emails during peak hours. Emails sent at these times may receive fewer responses. Instead, try sending emails between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.
  • Make your emails easier to read by adding images
    Images also increase the likelihood that they will be opened and make them more visually appealing.
  • Test the email before sending
    To make sure your email is cleanly formatted and the mail server through which it is sent is technically configured correctly, use the free tool It shows errors in the email that negatively affect deliverability.
Vitali Lutz

About Vitali Lutz

Vitali Lutz is a versatile author on all aspects of business and technology. Thanks to his ability to adapt to a wide range of topics and his great thirst for knowledge, he writes about anything that interests him.

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