Why does everyone use Windows and not Linux?

Angelo Elmer
344 Words
1:43 Minutes

Linux is clearly superior to Windows in many areas. This is not only in terms of security but also in terms of software quality and reliability. With Linux, there are many enthusiasts and the best programmers who together make Linux a free premium software, yet Windows is more popular than Linux.

Windows is more widely used than Linux for several reasons:

  • Support – when you buy a Windows license, you get support from Microsoft. Especially for companies, this support is important because they lose money if the software doesn't work. This support does not exist for Linux.
  • Switching – the world got used to Windows because it came before Linux. People hate to change. They want everything to continue as it was before.
  • Software – despite the fact that Linux has more software than Windows, professional programs are mostly available for Windows. Many users cannot do without these programs.
  • Games – the games industry has been booming for decades! The problem is that almost all games are developed for Windows, so everyone uses Windows to play their favorite games.
  • Marketing – Microsoft has billions it can use to promote Windows. Linux, on the other hand, has always been very bad at marketing and has relied on the principle that people will find Linux on their own if they look for quality software.

Although Linux is superior to Windows in many areas, especially security, the masses have accepted Windows and do not want to switch to it. It is extremely unlikely that Linux will attract Windows users anytime soon – Windows is already too widely used for that.

The following market share chart for desktop operating systems shows that Windows is much more popular than Linux and can be thought of as the market leader in this area:

 Desktop Operating Systems Market Share
Photo: statcounter (GlobalStats)

The good thing is that Linux has been able to win over more and more users from the Windows camp in the last few years, simply because it has been able to make considerable progress in the desktop segment and is now very suitable for everyday PC work.

Angelo Elmer

About Angelo Elmer

Angelo Elmer, a wordsmith with a passion for storytelling, has mastered the art of telling multi-layered stories. His adaptable writing style translates seamlessly to a variety of topics and delivers informative and engaging content.

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