What is allowed and what is forbidden for a passport photo?

Anne Ritter
320 Words
1:33 Minutes

Not everything is allowed on a passport photo. A passport photo is a special kind of picture that must be biometric-sized. Also, certain objects or things are not allowed in the photo.

The following are allowed in a passport photo:

  • Light makeup to emphasize natural facial features.
  • Neutral, friendly facial expression.
  • Normal, closed shirt or blouse, as the shoulders and collar will be visible in the passport photo.
  • Light background if the hair color is dark.
  • Dark gray background if the hair color is light.
  • A visual aid (glasses) as long as the eyes are clearly visible.
  • Any hairstyle, but it must not cover the face.
  • A solid-color background, preferably light gray.
  • Only one face is in the photo.
  • The picture must be sharp and focused on the face.
  • Straight sitting posture with eyes fixed on the camera lens.

The following must not be done or should be avoided:

  • Laughter, as this will consume the face and make it more difficult to identify the person in the photo.
  • Headgear of any kind, such as a cap or scarf.
  • Anything that covers or obscures the eyes, such as sunglasses or colored eye lenses.
  • Low-lying clothing with too much skin.
  • Excessive jewelry or stickers on the face.
  • Pipe or cigarette in the mouth.
  • Chewing gum because the chewing deforms the face.
  • Hands or other objects on the face that partially obscure the face.
  • Eyes obscured by eyeglass frames.
  • Light background and light hair color.
  • Dark background and dark hair color.
  • People other than the person in the photo.
  • Wrong camera distance so that more than the person's face can be seen, for example, the upper part of the body.
  • Wrong angle, so that the face is photographed too much from the side.
  • Printing the photo on non-special photo paper or on a printer with too low resolution.

A good photographer knows what a passport photo should look like, so it is advisable to have appropriate pictures taken by a professional. Meanwhile, the prices for a passport photo are very affordable, and you get a decent photo.

Sources & References

Anne Ritter

About Anne Ritter

Anne Ritter is an experienced author who specializes in writing engaging content that resonates well with diverse audiences. With her versatile writing style, Anne Ritter navigates through different subject areas and provides insightful perspectives on a variety of topics.

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